Waterborne Paint
Crystalite's waterborne roadmarking paint has been formulated to conform to and exceed RTA spec 3356, AS4049.3 and has certification to APAS 0041-5.With a particular emphasis on only using the highest quality materials in optimum proportion, users can be assured fast drying times, minimal settling and high levels of opacity and reflectivity. Our CSIRO endorsed test results show that Crystalite Waterborne White achieves a staggering 10% higher Luminance level than the standard, making it the whitest paint on the Australian Market.
Available in White, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Black, packaged in 10L,15L, 20L and 200L disposable packaging and 500L and 1,000L returnable IBC pallecons, we can tailor solutions to each job and contractor’s needs.
Our manufacturing procedures and techniques ensure that zero waste is created in production and manufactured under APAS Manufacturing Unit and ISO9001 conditions.